ESG… a shared vision for sustainable performance
ESG represents to Port of Portland (POPL) a mindset within the organisation that the business, its Directors, Management and staff will all work in an ethical and sustainable manner.
In adopting these principles, POPL recognises that it has a responsibility to do the right thing in respect to caring for its staff, customers, the broader community and the environment it operates in.

Key elements: pollution, biodiversity, contamination, reduction in the use of energy and water, emissions of noise, light and greenhouse gas, and resilience to disaster. In practical terms, for POPL this includes actions such as:
- Respecting the environment and the habitat we work in, and considering the potential impact on the environment prior to any actions,
- Minimising our use of energy and water and our production of waste by adopting and use of efficient practices and equipment,
- Ensuring compliance with our EPA licenses and statutory obligations,
- Correctly storing, use and disposal of any hazardous substances,
- Committing to the recycling of waste products,
- Minimising light, noise, dust and greenhouse gas emissions,
- Becoming a community leader by maintaining high environmental standards across all elements of Port operations.
Key elements: health and safety, community development, staff and customer satisfaction, freedom of association, gender and diversity and stakeholder relations. In practical terms, for POPL this includes actions such as:
- Providing a flexible, inclusive, supportive, healthy and safe work environment,
- Encouraging the education, training and development of our people,
- Being respectful and encouraging diversity amongst our staff, clients and suppliers,
- Supporting community events and staff who perform charity work,
- Supporting grass roots community organisations through a fair, equitable and broad-based donations program,
- Working cooperatively with other local businesses, councils and community groups,
- Providing leadership and resources in respect to social aspects within the community.
Key elements: audit and Board processes, bribery and corruption, data privacy, protection and security, fraud prevention, fiduciary duties, executive compensation and whistle-blower protection. In practical terms, for POPL this includes actions such as:
- Applying best practice business risk management processes and reviewing them regularly,
- Regularly auditing our businesses for compliance with standards and community expectations,
- Working with our service providers to ensure POPL’s ESG principles are implemented,
- Ensuring that there are fair and robust complaints and whistle-blower processes,
- Compliance with all relevant laws and regulations at all levels of the organisation.